Thursday, December 3, 2009

How long should a mascara last?

I am a Certifica Beauty advisor is after 3 mo's throw it away.. And while useing it TRUN the stick don't pump it in and out.. long should a mascara last?
Well, it may seem like it's lasting for a long time, but you should not use a mascara for longer than 3 months. After that, it gets deadly bacteria in it that is not safe to go around your eyes. I hope this helps!

xo tinkerbell xoHow long should a mascara last?
2-3 MTH MAX! as soo as it get clumpy toss it
til you wash it out. get water proof mascara
It should last 6 - 12 months. that is what is says on the bottle however you must change it if you get any eye infections because it can cary the infection. it is a good idea to wash it after you use it and dont pump the wand in the tube as that dries out the mascara and can put bacteria in it!
i get i new one every 2 weeks
The longest you should go before replacing it is 90 days (3 months). Treat it like you do your toothbrush, after 3 months replace it.
u should keep a mascara for more than 2 months. after that u risk having an eye infection or a sty.
Most cosmetics should be replaced about every 6 months, even if there is some left in the container. This is for hygiene.
A mascara should not last you too long......a bacteria could possibly grow in your mascara and cause you an eye infection, which NO ONE wants. hope this helps God Bless you =)
a good water proof mascara can last 'til you wash it off. almay is good. and hypallegenic
mascara lasts a long time but the thing is that if u use it till it runs out you will have serious bacterial problems. replace it every 2-3 months to avoid the Bactria. I personally would do 2 months because i am sooo grossed out by the bacterial stuff, you don't want to know lol
i buy mascara every month. after a month or so, they start to get clumpy ( if you use it every day)
2 months tops- then its time to invest in a new tube
18 hours
about 2 months, but I find it gets lumpy long before that if you use it often...
You need to replace it every 60 days or so to avoid bacteria which could lead to an infection.

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